Multiple Gun Motor Carriage T28E1.

The modifications made to the half-track personnel carrier M3 to accommodate the multiple gun mount can be gleaned from this angle. The passenger compartment armor was removed, and the fuel tanks were repositioned from the rear to directly behind the cab. Ammunition chests for the water-cooled .50cal machine guns are visible around the rear platform, and stowage boxes for 37mm ammunition are open behind the cab. Additional .50cal ammunition could be found in a compartment under the rear of the gun mount platform. (Picture from Weapon Mounts for Secondary Armament.)


Multiple Gun Motor Carriage T28E1.

With the guns trained forward, the cab prevented depression below +20°. Note the total lack of armor protection for the gun crew. (Picture from Weapon Mounts for Secondary Armament.)


Last updated 5 Jun 2023.
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