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TM 5-2350-262-20-2 C-4 Unit Maintenance Manual Armored Combat Earthmover (ACE) M9 (NSN 2350-00-808-7100). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 27 Jul 2007.
TM 5-2350-262-20-3 C-2 Unit Maintenance Manual Hydraulic Troubleshooting Test Procedures Armored Combat Earthmover (ACE) M9 (NSN 2350-00-808-7100). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 27 Mar 2000.
TM 5-5420-202-10 Operator's Manual for Launcher, M48A5 Tank Chassis NSN 5420-01-076-6096 (EIC: ARE) Launcher, M60A1 Tank Chassis NSN 5420-00-889-2020 (EIC: ARC) Transporting for Bridge Armored-vehicle Launched: Scissoring-type, Class 60 or Class 70. Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 30 Dec 2009.
TM 5-5420-202-20-1 Organizational Maintenance Manual M60A1 Tank Chassis, Transporting: For Bridge, Armored-Vehicle-Launched; Scissoring Type, Class 60 (5420-00-889-2020). Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 30 Oct 2006.
TM 5-5420-226-10 C9 Operator's Manual Launcher and M48A5 Tank Chassis, Transporting: For Bridge, Armored-Vehicle-Launched Scissoring Type, Class 60 5420-01-076-6096. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 1 Dec 2006.
TM 5-5420-226-20-1 C8 Organizational Maintenance Manual M48A5 Tank Chassis, Transporting: For Bridge, Armored-Vehicle-Launched; Scissoring Type, Class 60 (5420-01-076-6096). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 2 Feb 2007.
TM 5-5420-226-34 C4 Direct Support and General Support Maintenance M48A5 Tank Chassis, Transporting: For Bridge, Armored-Vehicle-Launched; Scissoring Type, Class 60 (5420-01-076-6096). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 29 Dec 2006.
TM 9-223 Twin Cal. .50 Machine Gun Mount M33 and Multiple Cal. .50 Machine Gun Mount M45. Washington, DC: War Dept., 27 Jul 1944.
TM 9-250 37-mm Gun M6, Mounted in Combat Vehicles. Washington, DC: War Dept., 3 Aug 1944.
TM 9-306 75-mm Gun M1897A4 Mounted in Combat Vehicles. Washington, DC: War Dept., 10 Jun 1943.
TM 9-313 75-mm Gun M6 and Combination Gun Mount M64. Washington, DC: War Dept., 27 Jan 1948.
TM 9-318 75-mm Howitzers M2 and M3 (Mounted in Combat Vehicles). Washington, DC: War Dept., 14 Dec 1944.
TM 9-323 3-inch Gun M7 Mounted in Combat Vehicles. Washington, DC: War Dept., 6 Sep 1943.
TM 9-324 105-mm Howitzer M4 (Mounted in Combat Vehicles). Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 22 Aug 1950.
TM 9-325 C8 105-mm Howitzer M2A1, Carriages M2A1 and M2A2, and Combat Vehicle Mounts M4 and M4A1. Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 27 Sep 1965.
TM 9-331B 155-mm Howitzer M1 and Mount M14 (Mounted on 155-mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M41). Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 23 Mar 1953.
TM 9-338-1 C2 280-mm Gun T131 and 280-mm Gun Carriage T72. Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 29 Dec 1958.
TM 9-374 90-mm Gun M3 Mounted in Combat Vehicles. Washington, DC: War Dept., 11 Sep 1944.
TM 9-374 C1 90-mm Guns M3 and M3A1 for Combat Vehicles. Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 2 Aug 1950.
TM 9-500 C3 Data Sheets for Ordnance Type Materiel. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 12 Oct 1966.
TM 9-705 Scout Car M3A1. Washington, DC: War Dept., 26 Oct 1942.
TM 9-705 Scout Cars, M3, M3A1, and 4.2 Mortar Motor Carriage, M2. Washington, DC: War Dept., 19 Feb 1941.
TM 9-707 Basic Half-track Vehicles (IHC) (Personnel Carrier M5, Car M9A1, Multiple Gun Motor Carriage M14, and Similar IHC Vehicles). Washington, DC: War Dept., 21 May 1943.
TM 9-710 Basic Half-track Vehicles (White, Autocar, and Diamond T). Washington, DC: War Dept., 23 Feb 1944.
TM 9-710/TO 19-75A-77 Half-track Vehicles Car M2A1; Personnel Carrier M3 and M3A1; 81-mm Mortar Carrier M4, M4A1, and M21; Combination Gun Motor Carriage M15A1; and Multiple Gun Motor Carriage M16 and M16A1. Washington, DC: Depts. of the Army and the Air Force, 8 May 1953.
TM 9-718 Medium Tank M46 (T40). Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 16 Sep 1949.
TM 9-718 Medium Tanks M46 and M46A1. Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 24 Apr 1951.
TM 9-718 C1 Medium Tanks M46 and M46A1. Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 30 Jul 1951.
TM 9-718A 90-mm Gun Tank M47. Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 9 Jan 1952.
TM 9-721 Heavy Tanks M6 and M6A1. Washington, DC: War Dept., 5 Feb 1943.
TM 9-722 Tank-Mounting Bulldozer M2. Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 13 Dec 1950.
TM 9-723 Tank-Mounting Bulldozer M3. Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 7 May 1951.
TM 9-724 Light Tank T9E1. Washington, DC: War Dept., 17 Nov 1943.
TM 9-726 Light Tank M3. Washington, DC: War Dept., 15 Jul 1942.
TM 9-727 Light Tanks M3A1 and M3A3. Washington, DC: War Dept., 4 Dec 1943.
TM 9-729 Light Tank M24. Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 28 May 1951.
TM 9-729 Light Tank T24 (M24). Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 27 Jun 1944.
TM 9-730 76-mm Tank Gun T41E1. Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 25 May 1951.
TM 9-731A Medium Tanks M4 and M4A1. Washington, DC: War Dept., 23 Dec 1943.
TM 9-731AA Medium Tank M4 (105-mm Howitzer) and Medium Tank M4A1 (76-mm Gun). Washington, DC: War Dept., 23 Jun 1944.
TM 9-731B Medium Tank M4A2. Washington, DC: War Dept., 13 Jan 1943.
TM 9-731E 105-mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M7. Washington, DC: War Dept., 5 Jan 1943.
TM 9-731E Carriage, Motor, 105-mm Howitzer, M7. Washington, DC: War Dept., 15 Aug 1944.
TM 9-731G 3-inch Gun Motor Carriage M10A1. Washington, DC: War Dept., 28 Jul 1943.
TM 9-732 Light Tanks M5 and M5A1. Washington, DC: War Dept., 27 Nov 1943.
TM 9-733 Mine Excavator T5E3. Washington, DC: War Dept., 4 Jan 1945.
TM 9-732B 75-mm Howitzer Motor Carriage, M8. Washington, DC: War Dept., 10 Oct 1942.
TM 9-732B 75-mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M8. Washington, DC: War Dept., 31 Jan 1944.
TM 9-734 Medium Tank T23. Washington, DC: War Dept., 24 Mar 1944.
TM 9-735 Heavy Tank T26E3. Washington, DC: War Dept., 15 Jan 1945.
TM 9-735 Medium Tanks M26 and M45. Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 5 Aug 1948.
TM 9-738 Tank Recovery Vehicles M32, M32B1, M32B2, M32B3, and M32B4. Washington, DC: War Dept., 9 Dec 1943.
TM 9-740 Armored Car T17. Washington, DC: War Dept., 2 Nov 1942.
TM 9-741 Medium Armored Car T17E1. Washington, DC: War Dept., 15 Dec 1942.
TM 9-743 Light Armored Car M8. Washington, DC: War Dept., 10 Mar 1943.
TM 9-743 Light Armored Car M8 and Armored Utility Car M20. Washington, DC: War Dept., 21 Feb 1944.
TM 9-744 155-mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M41. Washington, DC: War Dept., 17 Sep 1947.
TM 9-745 90-mm Gun Motor Carriage M36B2. Washington, DC: War Dept., 28 Jul 1945.
TM 9-746 Universal Carrier T16. Washington, DC: War Dept., 11 Aug 1943.
TM 9-747 155-mm Gun Motor Carriage M40 and 8-inch Howitzer Motor Carriage M43. Washington, DC: War Dept., 15 Sep 1947.
TM 9-747 155-mm Gun Motor Carriage T83 and 8-inch Howitzer Motor Carriage T89. Washington, DC: War Dept., 26 Feb 1945.
TM 9-748 90-mm Gun Motor Carriage M36B1. Washington, DC: War Dept., 20 Jan 1945.
TM 9-750 Ordnance Maintenance--Medium Tanks M3, M3A1, and M3A2. Washington, DC: War Dept., 9 May 1942.
TM 9-751 155-mm Gun Motor Carriage M12 and Cargo Carrier M30. Washington, DC: War Dept., 28 Jan 1944.
TM 9-752 3-inch Gun Motor Carriage M10. Washington, DC: War Dept., 25 Nov 1943.
TM 9-753 Medium Tanks M3A3 and M3A5. Washington, DC: War Dept., 16 Sep 1942.
TM 9-754 Medium Tank M4A4. Washington, DC: War Dept., 21 Jan 1943.
TM 9-755 76-mm Gun Motor Carriage M18 and Armored Utility Vehicle M39. Washington, DC: War Dept., 25 Apr 1945.
TM 9-755B Full-Track Armored Infantry Vehicle T18E1. Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 20 May 1952.
TM 9-756 Medium Tank M4A6. Washington, DC: War Dept., 21 Dec 1943.
TM 9-757 Twin 40-mm Gun Motor Carriage M19. Washington, DC: War Dept., 7 Jul 1945.
TM 9-758 90-mm Gun Motor Carriage T71. Washington, DC: War Dept., 15 Apr 1944.
TM 9-759 Medium Tank M4A3. Washington, DC: War Dept., 4 Aug 1942.
TM 9-759 Tank, Medium, M4A3. Washington, DC: War Dept., 15 Sep 1944.
TM 9-759 Tank, Medium M4A3. Washington, DC: War Dept., 14 Sep 1944.
TM 9-761 Twin 40-mm Gun Motor Carriage M19A1. Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 3 Mar 1953.
TM 9-761A Self-propelled Twin 40-mm Gun T141. Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 8 May 1952.
TM 9-767 40-ton Tank Transporter Truck-Trailer M25. Washington, DC: War Dept., 23 Feb 1944.
TM 9-775 Landing Vehicle Tracked Mk. I and Mk. II. Washington, DC: War Dept., 5 Feb 1944.
TM 9-775 Tracked Landing Vehicle Mk 4 (LVT(4)) Tracked Landing Vehicles (Armored) Mk 4 (LVT(A)(4)) and Mk 5 (LVT(A)(5)). Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 14 Jun 1951.
TM 9-776 Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Mk.IV LVT(4). Washington, DC: War Dept., 1 Jun 1944.
TM 9-785 18-ton High Speed Tractors M4, M4A1, M4C, and M4A1C. Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 18 Apr 1952.
TM 9-786 13-ton High-speed Tractors M5, M5A1, M5A2 and M5A3. Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 30 Apr 1950.
TM 9-788/TO 19-75AJ-66 38-ton High-speed Tractor M6. Washington, DC: Depts. of the Army and the Air Force, 12 May 1952.
TM 9-1000-213-35 Direct Support, General Support, and Depot Maintenance Manual for Cannon, 105-mm Gun, M68, Mount, Combination Gun, M116 and M140, and Cupola, Tank Commander's Caliber .50 Machine Gun, M19 Used on: Tank Combat, Full Tracked: 105-mm Gun, M60A1 W/E (2350-756-8497) and Tank, Combat, Full-tracked: 105-mm Gun, M60 W/E (2300-00-678-5773). Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 8 Jul 1975.
TM 9-1000-218-35 Field and Depot Maintenance Manual 175-mm Gun Cannon M113 (T256E3), 8-inch Howitzer Cannon M2A1E1, Mount M158 (T185), and Loader and Rammer. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 20 Aug 1962.
TM 9-1005-219-35 Field Depot and Maintenance Manual Commander's Machinegun Cupola M1. Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 17 Nov 1961.
TM 9-1005-227-35P Field and Depot Maintenance, Repair Parts List, and Special Tools List Mount, Commander's Cupola, M13. Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 17 Apr 1959.
TM 9-1220-203-34 Field Maintenance Manual Ballistic Computers M13, M13A1, M13A1C, and M13A1D. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 4 Mar 1960.
TM 9-1220-207-35 Field and Depot Maintenance Manual Ballistics Computer M14 (T33). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 6 Apr 1961.
TM 9-1220-220-35P Field and Depot Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tool Lists for Ballistic Drive M10 (T24E3). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 21 Jul 1960.
TM 9-1223 Ordnance Maintenance--Twin Cal. .50 Machine Gun Mount M33 and Multiple Cal. .50 Machine Gun Mount M45. Washington, DC: War Dept., 1 Jun 1944.
TM 9-1240-245-35 Field and Depot Maintenance Manual Range Finder M15 (T52). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 20 Apr 1960.
TM 9-1240-258-34 Field Maintenance Manual Range Finder M17C. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 1 Jul 1960.
TM 9-1240-288-35P Direct Support, General Support, and Depot Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tools List Telescope, Elbow M116A1D (1240-759-7781), M116 (1240-898-6787), M116C (1240-898-6789), and M116F (1240-974-3462). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 24 Sep 1970.
TM 9-1307 Ordnance Maintenance--75-mm Tank Guns M2 and M3 and Mounts M1, M34, and M34A1. Washington, DC: War Dept., 22 May 1944.
TM 9-1308 Ordnance Maintenance--76-mm Guns M1A1C and M1A2; Gun Mount M1 and Combination Gun Mount M62 for Combat Vehicles. Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 20 Apr 1949.
TM 9-1313 Ordnance Maintenance--75-mm Gun M6 and Combination Gun Mount M64 (Tank). Washington, DC: War Dept., 19 Feb 1945.
TM 9-1325 Ordnance Maintenance--105-mm Howitzers M2 and M2A1; Carriages M2A1 and M2A1; and Combat Vehicle Mounts M3 and M4. Washington, DC: War Dept., 21 Sep 1944.
TM 9-1334 Ordnance Maintenance--Stabilizers. Washington, DC: War Dept., 22 Dec 1943.
TM 9-1410-530-14 C15 Operator, Organizational, Direct and General Support Maintenance Manual: Intercept-Aerial Guided Missile MIM-23B, MTM-23B, and M18E2 (Improved HAWK Air-Defense Guided Missile System). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 11 Sep 1972.
TM 9-1410-585-24P Organizational, Direct Support and General Support Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tools List Including Depot Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tools for Guided Missile System, Intercept-Aerial MIM-72A 1410-00-930-8358 Guided Missile System, Intercept-Aerial MIM-72B (Training) 1410-00-421-1632 Guided Missile System, Intercept-Aerial MIM-72D 1410-01-028-8603 Guided Missile, Training M-30 6920-00-880-2466 Chaparral Air Defense Guided Missile System. Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 30 Nov 1981.
TM 9-1425-646-10 Operator's Manual Launcher, Rocket, Armored Vehicle Mounted: M270 (1055-01-092-0596) Multiple Launch Rocket System. Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 20 Jun 1984.
TM 9-1425-1585-10-1 System Description of Improved Chaparral Air Defense Guided Missile System. Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 1 Sep 1981.
TM 9-1450-501-10 Operator's Manual Carrier, Guided Missile Equipment, Self-propelled: XM727 (1450-933-4707). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 2 Nov 1967.
TM 9-1450-585-34P Direct and General Support Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tools Lists Carrier, Guided Missile Equipment, Self-Propelled M730: (1450-00-930-8749) Carrier, Guided Missile Equipment, Self-Propelled M730A1: (1450-01-121-2122). Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 1 Jan 1983.
TM 9-1710C Ordnance Maintenance--Chassis and Body for Half-track Vehicles. Washington, DC: War Dept., 11 Sep 1942.
TM 9-1718D Ordnance Maintenance--Hydraulic Turret Traversing Mechanism (Oilgear) for Medium Tank M46. Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, Aug 1950.
TM 9-1724A Ordnance Maintenance--Engine and Engine Accessories for Light Tank T9E1. Washington, DC: War Dept., 6 Aug 1943.
TM 9-1725 Ordnance Maintenance--Ordnance Engine Model R975-C4 (Continental). Washington, DC: War Dept., 27 Jan 1944.
TM 9-1726 Ordnance Maintenance--Continental Engine, Model W670-9A. Washington, DC: War Dept., 20 Mar 1942.
TM 9-1727 Guiberson Engine, Model T-1020. Washington, DC: War Dept., 8 Apr 1942.
TM 9-1727C Ordnance Maintenance--Hydra-matic Transmission and Propeller Shafts for Light Tanks M5, M5A1, and 75-mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M8. Washington, DC: War Dept., 5 Feb 1943.
TM 9-1727D Ordnance Maintenance--Transfer Unit for Light Tanks M5, M5A1, and 75-mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M8. Washington, DC: War Dept., 28 Apr 1943.
TM 9-1728 Ordnance Maintenance--Power Train for Light Tanks M3 and M3A1. Washington, DC: War Dept., 8 Apr 1942.
TM 9-1729C Ordnance Maintenance--Light Tank M24 and 155-mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M41 Tracks, Suspension, Hull and Turret. Washington, DC: War Dept., Sep 1947.
TM 9-1730A C2 Continental 6-cylinder Engine Model AOS-895-3. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 7 Dec 1959.
TM 9-1730B Cross-Drive Transmission Models CD-500-3 and -4 (Allison and GM). Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 3 Apr 1952.
TM 9-1730E Hydraulic Turret-traversing and Gun-elevating system for 76-mm. Gun Tank T41E1 and 90-mm. Gun Tank M47. Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 3 Oct 1952.
TM 9-1731 Ordnance Maintenance--Breeze Cartridge Starter for Radial Diesel Engines. Washington, DC: War Dept., 25 Aug 1942.
TM 9-1731B Ordnance Maintenance--Ford Tank Engines (Models GAA, GAF, and GAN). Washington, DC: War Dept., 4 Jun 1945.
TM 9-1731C Ordnance Maintenance--Accessories for Tank Engine Model GAA V-8 (Ford). Washington, DC: War Dept., 23 Aug 1943.
TM 9-1731E Ordnance Maintenance--Electric Traversing Mechanism for Medium Tanks M4 and Modifications. Washington, DC: War Dept., 15 Jan 1943.
TM 9-1731F Ordnance Maintenance--Hydraulic Traversing Mechanism (Logansport) for Medium Tanks M4 and Modifications. Washington, DC: War Dept., 6 May 1943.
TM 9-1731G Ordnance Maintenance--Hydraulic Traversing Mechanism (Oilgear) for Medium Tanks M4 and Modifications. Washington, DC: War Dept., 8 May 1943.
TM 9-1735A Ordnance Maintenance--Medium Tanks M26 and M45, Power Train. Washington, DC: War Dept., 9 Sep 1947.
TM 9-1735B Ordnance Maintenance--Medium Tanks M26 and M45 Tracks, Suspension, Hull and Turret. Washington, DC: War Dept., 10 Sep 1947.
TM 9-1741C Ordnance Maintenance--Chassis, Hull and Turret for Medium Armored Car T17E1. Washington, DC: War Dept., 18 Oct 1943.
TM 9-1743 Ordnance Maintenance--Power Train, Suspension, Hull, and Turret for Light Armored Car M8 and Armored Utility Car M20. Washington, DC: War Dept., 26 Oct 1943.
TM 9-1747 Ordnance Maintenance--155-mm Gun Motor Carriage M40 and 8-in. Howitzer Motor Carriage M43 Hull and Suspension. Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 21 Oct 1947.
TM 9-1750 Ordnance Maintenance--Power Train Unit, Three-piece Differential Case, for Medium Tanks, M3, M4, and Modifications. Washington, DC: War Dept., 1 Mar 1942.
TM 9-1750E Ordnance Maintenance--Guiberson Diesel T1400 Engine, Series 3, for Medium Tanks M3 and M4 and Related Gun Motor Carriages. Washington, DC: War Dept., 25 Sep 1942.
TM 9-1750F Ordnance Maintenance--Power Unit for Medium Tanks M3A4 and M4A4. Washington, DC: War Dept., 6 Apr 1943.
TM 9-1750G Ordnance Maintenance--General Motors Twin Diesel 6-71 Power Plant for Medium Tanks M3A3, M3A5, and M4A2. Washington, DC: War Dept., 1 Sep 1942.
TM 9-1750H Ordnance Maintenance--Hydraulic Traversing Mechanism (Logansport) for Medium Tank M3 and Modifications. Washington, DC: War Dept., 10 Apr 1943.
TM 9-1750K Ordnance Maintenance--Tracks and Suspension, Turret and Hull for Medium Tank M4 and Modifications. Washington, DC: War Dept., 17 Nov 1943.
TM 9-1750L Hull and Turret Electrical Systems, Tracks and Suspension for 3-inch Gun Motor Carriages M10 and M10A1. Washington, DC: War Dept., 9 Dec 1943.
TM 9-1751 Ordnance Maintenance--Wright Whirlwind Engine Model R975EC-2. Washington, DC: War Dept., 28 Feb 1942.
TM 9-1751 Ordnance Maintenance--9-Cylinder, Radial, Gasoline Engine (Continental Model R975-C1). Washington, DC: War Dept., 19 Apr 1944.
TM 9-1752 Auxiliary Generator (Homelite Model HRH-28) for Medium Tank, M3. Washington, DC: War Dept., 4 Aug 1941.
TM 9-1752 Ordnance Maintenance--Auxiliary Generator (Homelite Model HRH-28) for Medium Tanks M3. Washington, DC: War Dept., 20 Mar 1942.
TM 9-1755A Ordnance Maintenance--Power Train for 76-mm Gun Motor Carriage T70. Washington, DC: War Dept., 5 Oct 1943.
TM 9-1755BB/TO 19-100AD-1 C2 6-Cylinder, Horizontally-opposed, Air-cooled Gasoline Engine (Continental Model AO-895-4). Washington, DC: Depts. of the Army and Air Force, 11 Dec 1959.
TM 9-1756A Ordnance Maintenance--Ordnance Engine Model RD-1820 (Caterpillar). Washington, DC: War Dept., 9 Dec 1943.
TM 9-1785A Ordnance Maintenance--Engine, Engine Accessories, and Torque Converter for 18-ton M4 and 38-ton M6 High Speed Tractors. Washington, DC: War Dept., 27 Mar 1944.
TM 9-1785B Ordnance Maintenance--Power Train, Suspension, and Equipment for 18-ton High Speed Tractor M4. Washington, DC: War Dept., 4 Apr 1944.
TM 9-1788 Ordnance Maintenance--Tractor, High-speed, 38-ton, M6--Power Train, Suspension, Body, and Equipment. Washington, DC: War Dept., 22 Sep 1944.
TM 9-1826B Ordnance Maintenance--Carburetors (Stromberg). Washington, DC: War Dept., 1 Apr 1944.
TM 9-1901 Artillery Ammunition. Washington, DC: War Dept., 29 Jun 1944.
TM 9-1907 Ballistic Data Performance of Ammunition. Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 6 Jul 1948.
TM 9-2005 Ordnance Material - General, Volume V: Sighting and Fire-Control Equipment - General, Aircraft Cannon. Washington, DC: War Dept., Jan 1942.
TM 9-2010 Multiple Cal. .50 Machine Gun Mounts M45, M45C, M45D, and M45F; Multiple Cal. .50 Machine Gun Trailer Mount M55; and Mount Trailer M20. Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 4 Dec 1953.
TM 9-2300-203-12 C1 Operation and Organizational Maintenance: Full Tracked Armored Personnel Carrier M59 (T59) and 4.2-inch Full Tracked Self-propelled Mortar M84. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 15 Dec 1959.
TM 9-2300-216-10 Operator's Manual for Gun, Field Artillery, Self-propelled: Full Tracked, 175-mm, M107 (T235E1) (2350-436-6635) and Howitzer, Heavy, Self-propelled: Full Tracked, 8-inch, M110 (T236E1) (2350-439-6243). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 28 Jun 1962.
TM 9-2300-216-10 C6 Operator's Manual for Gun, Field Artillery, Self-propelled: 175-mm, M107 (2350-436-6635) and Howitzer, Heavy, Self-propelled: 8-inch, M110 (2350-439-6243). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 16 Nov 1972.
TM 9-2300-216-20P C2 Organizational Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tools List for Gun, Field Artillery, Self-propelled: 175-mm, M107 (2350-436-6635) and Howitzer, Heavy, Self-propelled: 8-inch, M110 (2350-439-6243). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 17 Mar 1970.
TM 9-2300-224-10 Operator's Manual Carrier, Full Tracked, Armored: M113 2350-629-1294 (formerly 2320-629-1294); Carrier, Command Post, Light, Tracked: M577 2350-856-6624 (formerly 2320-856-6624); Carrier, Mortar, 107-mm, Self-propelled: M106 2350-987-8900; Carrier, Flame Thrower, Self-propelled: M132 2350-987-8900; Recovery Vehicle, Full Tracked, Light Armored: XM806 2350-808-6119. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 15 Jun 1973.
TM 9-2300-257-10 Operator's Manual Carrier, Personnel, Full Tracked, Armored, M113A1 2350-968-6321; Carrier, Command Post, Light, Tracked, M577A1 2350-056-6808; Carrier, Mortar, 107-mm, Self-propelled, M106A1 2350-076-9002; Carrier, Mortar, 81-mm, Self-propelled, M125A1 2350-071-0732; Carrier, Flame Thrower, Self-propelled, M132A1 2350-056-6809; Recovery Vehicle, Full Tracked, Light Armored: XM806E1 2350-808-6104. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 18 Dec 1973.
TM 9-2320-204-12 Operation and Organizational Maintenance Heavy Tank Recovery Vehicle M51. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 28 Apr 1958.
TM 9-2320-204-35 Ordnance Field and Depot Maintenance Miscellaneous Components for Tank Recovery Vehicle Heavy M51. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 21 May 1959.
TM 9-2320-209-10 C11 Operator's Manual for Truck, 2½ Ton, 6x6 Gasoline Engine Models: M185, M185A1, M34, M35, M36, M36C, M47, M49, M342, V18A/MTQ, M17A/MTQ, M49, M49C, M50, M48, M275, M567, M292, M109, M109A1, M108, M60; Mutifuel Engine Models: Truck, Van, Expansible: M292A1, M292A2, M292A5 (Body Only). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 15 May 1980.
TM 9-2320-209-20 C3 Organizational Maintenance Manual 2½ Ton, 6x6, Chassis, Truck: M44, M44A1, M44A2, M45, M45A1, M45A2, M45C, M46, M46A1, M46C, M57, M58, M58A1; Instrument Repair Shop, Truck MTD: M185, M185A1, M185A2, M185A3; Truck, Cargo: M34, M35, M35A1, M35A2, M36, M36A2, M36C; Truck, Dump: M47, M59, M342; Truck, Maintenance: Earth Boring Machine and Pole Setter, V-18/MTQ; Truck, Maintenance: Telephone Construction and Maintenance, V-17A/MTQ; Truck, Tank: Fuel Servicing, 1,200-gal., M49, M49A1C, M49A2C, M49C; Truck, Tank: Water, 1,0000-gal., M50, M50A1, M50A2; Truck, Tractor: M48, M275, M275A1, M275A2; Truck, Van, Expansible, M292, M292A1, M292A2; Truck, Van: Missile Firing Data Computer, XM472; Truck, Van: Shop, M109, M109A1, M109A2, M109A3, M109C, M109D, XM567; Truck, Wrecker: Crane, M108; Truck, Wrecker: Light, M60. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 7 Apr 1965.
TM 9-2320-211-10 C2 Operator's Manual for Truck, 5-ton, 6X6, M39 Series Truck Chassis: 5-ton, 6X6, M40, M40A1, M40A1C, M40A2C, M61, M61A1, M61A2, M63, M63A1, M63A2, M63C, M63A1C, M63A2C, M139, M139A1, M139F, M139A1F, M139A2F; Truck, Cargo: M54, M54A1, M54A2, M54A1C, M54A2C, M55, M55A2; Truck, Dump: M51, M51A1, M51A2; Truck, Tractor: M52, M52A1, M52A2; Truck, Tractor, Wrecker: M246, M246A1, M246A2; Truck, Van, Expansible: M291A1, M29A1D, M291A2D; Truck, Wrecker, Medium: M62, M543, M543A1, M543A2; Truck, Stake, Bridge Transporting: M328A1; Truck, Bolster: M748A1. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 2 Nov 1989.
TM 9-2320-211-20 C3 Organizational Maintenance Manual for Truck, Chassis: 5-ton, 6X6, M39, M39A2, M40, M40A1, M40A2, M40A1C, M40A2C, M61 , M61A1 , M61A2, M63, M63A1, M63A2, M63C, M63A1C, M63A2C, M63A1D, M63A2D, M139A1, M139A2, M139C, M139A2C, M139D, M139A2D, M139F, M139A1F, M139A2F; Truck, Cargo: M41, M41A2, M54, M54A1, M54A2, M54A1C, M54A2C, M55, M55A1, M55A2; Truck, Dump: M51, M51A1, M51A2; Truck, Tractor: M52, M52A1, M52A2; Truck, Tractor, Wrecker: M246, M246A1, M246A2; Truck, Van, Expansible: M291A1, M291A2, M291A1C, M291A2C, M291A1D, M291A2D; Truck, Wrecker, Medium: M62, M543, M543A1, M543A2; Truck, Bridging: M139, M328A1, M328A2; Truck, Logging: M748A1, M748A2. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 28 Apr 1982.
TM 9-2320-222-10 Operator's Manual for Recovery Vehicle, Full Tracked: Medium, M88 (T88) (2320-678-5772). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 25 Nov 1960.
TM 9-2320-224-10 C4 Operator's Manual for Carrier, Command and Reconnaissance: Armored, M114/M114A1 (2320-860-2349) (2320-987-9536). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 25 Nov 1964.
TM 9-2320-224-10 C9 Operator's Manual for Carrier, Command and Reconnaissance: Armored, M114 (2320-860-2349) M114A1 (2320-987-9536) M114A1E1 (2320-937-6189). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 25 Nov 1964.
TM 9-2350-201-12 Operation and Organizational Maintenance 76-mm Full Tracked Combat Tanks M41 (T41E1) and M41A1 (T41E2). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 29 Jul 1958.
TM 9-2350-206-12 Operation and Organizational Maintenance Tank, Combat, Full Tracked, 120-mm Gun, M103 (T43E1). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 24 Oct 1958.
TM 9-2350-210-12 Operation and Organizational Maintenance 155-mm Self-propelled Gun Cannon M52 (T97) and 8-inch Self-propelled Howitzer Cannon M55 (T108). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 30 Jul 1959.
TM 9-2350-212-12 Operator's and Organizational Maintenance Rifle, Self-propelled, Full-tracked: Multiple, 106-mm, M50. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 11 Dec 1959.
TM 9-2350-213-10 Operation 90-mm Full Tracked Self-propelled Gun M56. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 22 May 1958.
TM 9-2350-213-10 C9 Operation 90-mm Full Tracked Self-propelled Gun M56. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 31 Oct 1968.
TM 9-2350-213-20 Organizational Maintenance 90-mm Full Tracked Self-propelled Gun M56. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 19 Jun 1958.
TM 9-2350-214-10 Operator's Manual: Tank, Combat, Full Tracked: 120-mm Gun, M103A1 (T43E2) (2350-608-5603). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 16 Dec 1960.
TM 9-2350-214-20 Organizational Maintenance Manual Tank, Combat, Full Tracked: 120-mm Gun, M103A1 (T43E2) (2350-608-5603). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 5 Jan 1961.
TM 9-2350-214-35P/2 Field and Depot Maintenance Repair Parts List for Tank, Combat, Full Tracked: 120-mm Gun, M103A1 (2350-608-5603) (Elevating and Traversing Mechanism). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 28 Sep 1961.
TM 9-2350-215-10 Operator's Manual Tank, Combat, Full Tracked: 105-mm Gun, M60A1 W/E (2350-756-8497) Tank, Combat, Full Tracked: 105-mm Gun, M60 W/E (2350-678-5773) and Trainer, Tank Gunnery: Medium, XM30 (6920-790-2259). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 28 Sep 1962.
TM 9-2350-217-10 C3 Operator's Manual Howitzer, Light, Self-propelled: 105-mm, M108 (2350-440-8810) and Howitzer, Medium, Self-propelled: 155mm, M109 (2350-00-440-8811). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 23 Nov 1964.
TM 9-2350-217-10N Operation and Maintenance Manual (Crew) for Howitzer, Medium, Self-propelled: 155mm, M109 (2350-00-440-8811) and 155mm, M109A1 (2350-00-485-9662). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 25 Sep 1974.
TM 9-2350-217-20 C7 Organizational Maintenance Manual Howitzer, Light, Self-propelled: 105mm, M108 (2350-440-8810) and Howitzer, Medium, Self-propelled: 155mm, M109 (2350-00-440-8811). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 10 Jan 1972.
TM 9-2350-222-10 C2 Operator's Manual Vehicle, Combat Engineer, Full-tracked: M728 (T118E1) W/E (2350-795-1797). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 13 Aug 1965.
TM 9-2350-222-10-1 C6 Operator's Manual Operator Controls and PMCS Vehicle, Combat Engineer, Full-tracked: M728 (2350-00-795-1797). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 18 Jun 1993.
TM 9-2350-222-10-2 C9 Operator's Manual Operation Under Usual and Unusual Conditions Vehicle, Combat Engineer, Full-tracked: M728 (2350-00-795-1797). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 10 Jun 1993.
TM 9-2350-222-10-3 C5 Operator's Manual Troubleshooting and Maintenance Vehicle, Combat Engineer, Full-tracked: M728 (2350-00-795-1797). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 28 Feb 1992.
TM 9-2350-224-10 C9 Operator's Manual Tank, Combat, Full Tracked: 90-mm Gun, M48A3 W/E (2350-895-9154). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 28 Jun 1966.
TM 9-2350-224-20 Organizational Maintenance Manual for Tank, Combat, Full Tracked: 90-mm Gun, M48A3 W/E (2350-895-9154). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 5 Jun 1963.
TM 9-2350-230-10 Operator's Manual (Crew) for Armored Reconnaissance/Airborne Assault Vehicle, Full-tracked, 152 mm Gun-launcher M551 (2350-00-873-5408) and M551A1 (2350-00-140-5151). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 10 Jun 1976.
TM 9-2350-230-10 C2 Operator's Manual: Armored Reconnaissance/Airborne Assault Vehicle, Full-tracked, 152-mm Gun-launcher, M551A1 (NSN 2350-00-140-5151) and M551 NTC (2350-01-115-1579). Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 5 Sep 1995.
TM 9-2350-230-12 C14 Operator and Organizational Maintenance Manual: Armored Reconnaissance/Airborne Assault Vehicle, Full-tracked, 152-mm, M551 (2350-00-873-5408) and M551A1 (2350-00-140-5151). Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 3 May 1976.
TM 9-2350-230-20-1 Unit Maintenance Manual for Hull, Suspension, and Miscellaneous Hull Components of the Armored Reconnaissance/Airborne Assault Vehicle, Full-tracked, 152-mm Gun-launcher, M551A1 (NSN 2350-00-140-5151) and M551NTC (2350-01-115-1579). Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 1 Jun 1996.
TM 9-2350-230-25P/2 Organizational, DS, GS, and Depot Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tools Lists Turret, Elevating and Traversing Systems, Cupola, Gun-launcher, and Fire Control and Missile Guidance Control Materiel Used on: Armored Reconnaissance/Airborne Assault Vehicle: Full-tracked, 152-MM, M551. Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 19 Apr 1974.
TM 9-2350-230-35/2 C13 Direct Support, General Support, and Depot Maintenance Manual Turret, Elevating and Traversing Systems, Cupola, Gun-launcher and Mount for Armored Reconnaissance/Airborne Assault Vehicle: Full-tracked, 152-mm, M551 (2350-00-873-5408), M551A1 (2350-00-140-5151), and Opposing Forces (OPFOR) (2350-01-115-1579). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 22 Jan 1986.
TM 9-2350-232-10 C3 Operator's Manual for Tank, Combat, Full-tracked: 152-mm Gun/Launcher M60A2, W/E (2350-00-930-3590). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 8 Jul 1975.
TM 9-2350-232-20-1 Organizational Maintenance Manual for Tank, Combat, Full-tracked: 152-mm Gun/Launcher M60A2, W/E (2350-930-3590) (Hull/Automotive). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 16 Apr 1973.
TM 9-2350-232-34 Direct Support and General Support Maintenance Manual for Turret Elevating and Traversing Systems, Cupola, Gun/Launcher, and Mount Used on Tank, Combat, Full-tracked: 152-mm Gun/Launcher M60A2 (2350-930-3590). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 12 Mar 1973.
TM 9-2350-238-10 Operator's Manual Recovery Vehicle, Full-tracked: Light, Armored, M578 (2350-439-6242). Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 2 Mar 1972.
TM 9-2350-238-10 C4 Operator's Manual for Recovery Vehicle, Full-tracked: Light, Armored, M578 (2350-00-439-6242) (EIC:3LA). Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 27 Apr 1990.
TM 9-2350-244-24P Organizational, Direct Support, and General Support Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tools List (Including Depot Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tools) Carrier, Command and Reconnaissance: Armored, M114 (2230-860-2349) and Armored, M114A1 (2320-987-9536). Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 8 Mar 1972.
TM 9-2350-247-10 C1 Driver's Operation and Maintenance Manual Carrier, Cargo, Tracked, 6-ton: M548 (2350-00-078-4545). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 1 Apr 1976.
TM 9-2350-247-10 Operator's Manual for Carrier, Cargo Tracked, 6-ton M548A1 2350-01-096-9356 (EIC AEU) M548A3 2350-01-369-6081 (EIC AE9). Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 26 Aug 2005.
TM 9-2350-252-10-1 C1 Operator's Manual Fighting Vehicle, Infantry M2 (2350-01-048-5920) M2A1 (2350-179-1027) and Fighting Vehicle, Cavalry M3 (2350-01-049-2695) M3A1 (2350-01-179-1028) Hull. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 30 Sep 1987.
TM 9-2350-252-10-2 C6 Operator's Manual Fighting Vehicle, Infantry, M2 (2350-01-048-5920) (EIC: APA) M2A1 (2350-01-179-1027) (EIC: ALE) Fighting Vehicle, Cavalry, M3 (2350-01-049-2695) (EIC: APB) M3A1 (2350-01-179-1028) (EIC: ALF) Turret. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 9 Jul 1992.
TM 9-2350-253-10 C12 Operator's Manual Tank, Combat, Full Tracked: 105-mm Gun, M60A3 (2350-00-148-6548) and (2350-01-061-2306) TTS (Tank Thermal Sight). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 30 Jun 1989.
TM 9-2350-253-20-2 C6 Organizational Maintenance Manual--Tank, Combat, Full Tracked: 105-mm Gun, M60A3 (2350-00-148-6548) and (2350-01-061-2306) TTS Turret. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 15 Apr 1980.
TM 9-2350-255-10-1 C3 Operator's Manual Operator Controls and PMCS Tank, Combat, Full-tracked, 105-mm Gun, M1 (2350-01-061-2445) General Abrams. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 26 Sep 1984.
TM 9-2350-255-10-2 C3 Operator's Manual Operations Under Usual and Unusual Conditions Tank, Combat, Full-tracked, 105-mm Gun, M1 (2350-01-061-2445) General Abrams. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 25 Feb 1985.
TM 9-2350-255-10-3 C4 Operator's Manual Troubleshooting and Maintenance Tank, Combat, Full-tracked, 105-mm Gun, M1 (2350-01-061-2445) General Abrams. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 25 Feb 1985.
TM 9-2350-256-10 C5 Operator's Manual--Recovery Vehicle, Full-Tracked: Medium, M88A1 (2350-00-122-6826). Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 2 Aug 1985.
TM 9-2350-256-10 C1 Operator's Manual--Recovery Vehicle, Full-Tracked: Medium, M88A1 (NSN 2350-00-122-6826). Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 18 Aug 1998.
TM 9-2350-256-20-1 Unit Maintenance Manual for Recovery Vehicle, Full-Tracked: Medium, M88A1 Volume I. Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, Nov 2005.
TM 9-2350-256-20-2 Unit Maintenance Manual for Recovery Vehicle, Full-Tracked: Medium, M88A1 Volume II. Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 27 Jun 2005.
TM 9-2350-257-10-1 Operator's Manual: Operator Controls and PMCS Tank, Combat, Full-tracked: 105-mm Gun, M60A1 (RISE) (2350-00-116-9765) Tank, Combat, Full-tracked: 105-mm Gun, M60A1 (RISE PASSIVE) (2350-01-059-1503). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 31 Jul 1980.
TM 9-2350-257-10-2 Operator's Manual: Operation Under Usual and Unusual Conditions Tank, Combat, Full-tracked: 105-mm Gun, M60A1 (RISE) (2350-00-116-9765) Tank, Combat, Full-tracked: 105-mm Gun, M60A1 (RISE PASSIVE) (2350-01-059-1503). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 6 Jan 1986.
TM 9-2350-258-10 C5 Operator's Manual Tank, Combat, Full Tracked: 105-mm Gun, M48A5 NSN 2350-00-582-5595 NSN 2350-01-059-1504. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 27 Apr 1984.
TM 9-2350-259-10 C4 Operator's Manual for Combat Vehicle, Anti-tank, Improved TOW Vehicle, M901--NSN 2350-01-045-1123 M901A1--NSN 2350-01-103-5641. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 10 May 1983.
TM 9-2350-261-10 Operator's Manual for Carrier, Personnel, Full Tracked, Armored M113A2 NSN 2350-01-068-4077, Carrier, Command Post, Light Tracked, M577A2 NSN 2350-01-068-4089, Carrier, Mortar, 120-MM, M121; Self-propelled, M1064 NSN 2350-01-338-3116, Carrier, Standardized Integrated Command Post System, M1068 NSN 2350-01-354-5657, Carrier, Smoke Generator, Full Tracked, M1059 NSN 2350-01-203-0188, Combat Vehicle, Anti-tank, Improved TOW Vehicle, M901A1 NSN 2350-01-103-5641. Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, Aug 2005.
Army TM 9-2350-264-10-1 Marine Corps TM 08953A-10/1-1 Operator's Manual Operator's Controls, PMCS, and Operation Under Usual Conditions Volume 1 of 2 Tank, Combat, Full-tracked: 120-mm Gun, M1A1 (2350-01-087-1095) General Abrams. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, US Marine Corps, 5 Mar 2003.
Army TM 9-2350-264-10-2 C11 Marine Corps TM 08953A-10/1-2 C11 Operator's Manual Unusual Conditions, Troubleshooting, and Maintenance Volume 2 of 2 Tank, Combat, Full-tracked: 120-mm Gun, M1A1 (2350-01-087-1095) General Abrams. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, US Marine Corps, 12 Mar 1997.
TM 9-2350-267-10 C1 Operator's Manual for Carrier, Ammunition, Tracked M992 (NSN 2350-01-110-4660). Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 3 Feb 1997.
TM 9-2350-277-10 Operator's Manual for Carrier, Personnel, Full Tracked, Armored M113A3 2350–01–219–7577 (EIC AEY), Carrier, Command Post, Light Tracked, M577A3 2350–01–369–6085 (EIC AE7), Carrier, Smoke Generator, Full Tracked, M1059A3 2350–01–369–6083 (EIC AFA), Carrier, Mortar, 120-MM, M121, Self-propelled, M1064A3 2350–01–369–6082 (EIC AE8), Carrier, Standardized Integrated Command Post System (SICPS), M1068A3 2350–01–369–6086 (EIC AFC), Carrier, Mechanized Smoke Obscurant M58 2350–01–418–6654 (EIC 5CG). Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, Jan 2001.
TM 9-2350-284-10-1 C1 Operator's Manual High Survivability Fighting Vehicle, Infantry M2A2 (2350-01-248-7619) and Fighting Vehicle, Cavalry M3A2 (2350-01-248-7620) Hull. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 14 Dec 1989.
TM 9-2350-284-10-2 C6 Operator's Manual High Survivability Fighting Vehicle, Infantry M2A2 (2350-01-248-7619) and Fighting Vehicle, Cavalry M3A2 (2350-01-248-7620) Turret. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 19 Jan 1993.
TM 9-2350-287-10 1 Operator's Manual for Carrier, Ammunition, Tracked M992A1 (NSN 2350-01-352-3021). Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 6 Jun 1997.
TM 9-2350-287-20-1 C1 Unit Maintenance Manual for Carrier, Ammunition, Tracked M992A1 (NSN 2350-01-352-3021). Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 6 Jun 1997.
TM 9-2350-292-10 Operator's Manual for Recovery Vehicle, Heavy, Full-Tracked: M88A2 (NSN 2350-01-390-4683) (EIC: AQC). Washington, DC: Depts. of the Army and Marine Corps, 15 Jun 2007.
TM 9-2350-293-10 Operator's Manual for Carrier, Ammunition, Tracked, M992A2 NSN 2350-01-368-9500 (EIC: AE2). Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 17 Dec 2001.
TM 9-2350-300-10 Operator's Manual for Gun, Antiaircraft Artillery, Self-Propelled: 20-mm, XM163 (2350-999-4392). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 10 Mar 1971.
TM 9-2350-300-10 C4 Operation and Maintenance Manual (Crew) for Gun, Air Defense Artillery, Self-Propelled, 20-mm, M163A1 (2350-01-017-2113). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 12 Aug 1985.
TM 9-2350-311-10 Operator's Manual for Howitzer, Medium, Self-propelled, 155mm M109A2 (2350--01--031--0586)(EIC:3EZ), M109A3 (2350--01--031--8851)(EIC:3E2), M109A4 (2350--01--277--5770)(EIC:3E8), M109A5 (2350--01--281--1719)(EIC:3E7). Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, Nov 1994.
TM 9-2350-314-34-2 Direct Support and General Support Maintenance for Cab Systems and Components Howitzer, Medium, Self-propelled: 155mm M109A6 (NSN 2350-01-305-0028) (EIC: 3FC). Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 30 Apr 2008.
TM 9-2355-106-10/TO 36A12-1C-2400-1 Operator's Manual for Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) M1224 (NSN 2355-01-553-4634) (EIC 1XF) M1224A1 (NSN 2355-01-561-0281) (EIC 1XM). Washington, DC: Depts. of the Army and Air Force, 9 Apr 2012.
TM 9-2430-200-20P Organizational Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tools List for Tractor, Full Tracked, High Speed: M8A1 (2430-740-5800) and Tractor, Full Tracked, High Speed: M8A2 (2430-563-7250). Washington, D.C.: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 10 Dec 1959.
TM 9-2520-212-35 Ordnance, Field, and Depot Maintenance Elevating and Traversing System for Tank, Combat Full Tracked: 90-mm Gun, M48A2. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 21 May 1959.
TM 9-2520-215-34 Direct Support and General Support Maintenance Cross-Drive Transmission Assembly (11649999) (Model XT-1410-4) Composed of: Center Section Assembly w/Container (2520-00-140-7526) Output Reduction, Left-hand Assembly w/Container (2520-00-896-9020) Output Reduction, Right-hand Assembly w/Container (2520-00-896-9021). Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 31 Dec 2005.
TM 9-2520-234-35 Field and Depot Maintenance Manual for Power Train Assembly (8351100) (Allison Model XTG-411-2A) Composed of: Transfer Assembly, Transmission Input, (2320-894-9535) Transmission Assembly, (2520-894-9533) Drive Assembly, Transmission Output, Vehicle Left, (2520-894-9534) Drive Assembly, Transmission Output, Vehicle Right. Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 5 Jul 1962.
TM 9-2520-254-34 Direct and General Support Maintenance Manual Transmission, Automatic, 2520-066-4240 (Allison Div., GMC Model TX 100-1). Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 13 Oct 1971.
TM 9-2520-270-34 Direct and General Support Maintenance Hydromechanical Crossdrive Transmission HMPT 500 and Transmission Container Assembly (2520-01-105-6449). Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 30 Sep 1991.
TM 9-2530-200-24 Organizational, Direct Support and General Support Maintenance Manual Standards for Inspection and Classification of Tracks, Track Components and Solid-rubber Tires (FSC 2530). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 15 Jul 1976.
TM 9-2590-206-15 Operator, and Organizational, Field and Depot Maintenance Manual Bulldozer, Earth Moving: Tank Mounting, M8A1 (M8E1) (2590-649-5937). Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 19 Sep 1961.
TM 9-2590-209-14 Operator, Organizational and Field Maintenance Manual (Including Organization, and Field Maintenance Repair Parts List) for Bulldozer, Earth-Moving: Tank-Mounting, M9 (2590-708-3563) End Item Application: Tank, Combat, Full-Tracked: 105-mm Gun, M60 and M60A1 (TM9-2350-215-10). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 29 Apr 1963.
TM 9-2590-213-15 C1 Operator, Organizational, Direct Support, General Support, and Depot Maintenance Manual (Including Repair Parts List) for Bulldozer, Earth Moving: Tank Mounting, M8A3 (2590-944-4903). Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 12 Feb 1974.
TM 9-2800 Standard Military Motor Vehicles. Washington, DC: War Dept., 1 Sep 1943.
TM 9-2800 Military Vehicles. Washington, DC: Dept. of the Army, 27 Oct 1947.
TM 9-2800-1/TO 19-75A-89 Military Vehicles (Ordnance Corps Responsibility). Washington, DC: Depts. of the Army and Air Force, 13 Feb 1953.
TM 9-2805-206-35 Field and Depot Maintenance Manual Engine, Gasoline: "V" Type, Air Cooled, 12-cylinder, Fuel Injected, Supercharged--2805-695-6237 (Continental Model AVSI-1790-6) and Fuel Injected, (Unsupercharged)--2805-293-9662 (Continental Model AVI-1790-8). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 4 Nov 1959.
TM 9-2805-212-35 Field and Depot Maintenance Manual Engine, Gasoline, Fuel Injected, Supercharged, Horizontal-opposed, Air Cooled, Six Cylinder, Assembly--2805-528-6015 (Continental Model AOSI-895-5 and AOSI-895-5M). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 8 Dec 1959.
TM 9-2805-212-35 C2 Field and Depot Maintenance Manual Engine, Gasoline, Fuel Injected, Supercharged, Horizontal-opposed, Air Cooled, Six Cylinder, Assembly--2805-528-6015 (Continental Model AOSI-895-5 and AOSI-895-5M). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 29 Mar 1971.
TM 9-2805-216-34 Direct and General Support Maintenance Manual (Including Direct and General Support and Depot Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tools List) for Engine: Gasoline, 90-degree "V" Type, Liquid-cooled, 8-cylinder, Assembly (2805-679-9668) (Chrysler Model 75M). Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 28 May 1965.
TM 9-2815-200-34 Field Maintenance for Engine, Diesel, Turbosupercharged, Fuel Injection, 90-Degree "V" Type, Air-cooled, 12-cylinder, Assembly (Continental Model AVDS-1790-2) 2815-679-4963 and (Continental Model AVDS-1790-2A) 2815-064-6270. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 7 Feb 1963.
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